Who are Ayom Debt Recovery?
Ayom exist as a safety barrier against non-paying debtors.
If you are concerned a debtor is making excuses or finding reasons to avoid payment, we aim to be just what you need to take the weight of the matter away and resolve it as soon as possible. Our award winning team represent you, adding a stern voice to debt recovery proceedings. Operating with professionalism, our recovery agents enforce your debt with your best interests in mind.

Throughout our history we've aimed at being innovative to provide the best possible customer experience our industry offers. We understand that simply getting your money back is what is expected of us. What sets us apart is our desire to do more and better. To not only meet expectations but exceed them. This is how we aim to achieve that goal.
Driven by technology
Ayom Debt Recovery's IT infrastructure is key to our ability to deliver effective debt collection and keeping you updated via our industry leading client portal. We utilise many digital tools to successfully recover debts.

Debtor tracing software.
We are able to scour credit files and lenders to find the latest contact information on your debtor.

Integrated technology in strategy.
To assist our hard working team of collectors, our IT systems play a vital role in ensuring we make contact with debtors as often as possible, via as many methods as possible.

Improved client portal.
Alongside being an early adopter of the client portal in the industry, we have recently revoluntiomised your gateway to your debt cases with a new and improved, simple, transparent system.

Over a decade of experience.
If you were to take a debt to court, you would be required to pay a fee to submit the claim to the court, you must also pay for a court hearing fee and any administrative fees in the process. This can differ based on the value of the debt. Even after all this, if you are awarded a CCJ, it doesn't guarantee you'll be paid. You'll be given a judgement which says a debt is owed, but the debtor may still delay, avoid, or object.

With a debt recovery agency, you are paying for the persistency of work towards achieving the desired result, your money back. With obtaining a CCJ, the process is paying towards a judgement but not a payment.

Stress free.
We often get asked is it possible to conduct debt recovery of your own debts yourself? Without going into specifics, it is possible, but the opportunity cost of your time and energy spent chasing debtors is often not worth the hassle.

To get the best chance of recovering a debt, consistent contact needs to be made, with time dedicated to arguing the case, overcoming disputes, providing legal basis for arguments and negotiation for either settlements, payment, or agreements. For you to take this time out of your schedule, reduces the time you can spend doing what you do best, managing your own business or time.

Debtors can be stressful to deal with. They make excuses, they avoid calls and they cause delays. Rather than having to tread the same ground week after week, knowing a team is on hand to maintain that dialogue and keep the matter alive provides peace of mind that your debtor knows we are on your side and the matter is not going away.